French Squared, in partnership with the School of Education Futures, University of Wolverhampton (an Include Me Too Charter signatory) ran a conference on our approach to Differentiated Learning on Saturday 16th March.
Past News
Sharon Hodgson Support
Time for REAL ACTION! We are delighted to announce that Sharon Hodgson MP, Shadow Minister for Children and Families has given her statement of support for Include Me TOO’s Time For Real Action Campaign:
BABA adopt IM2 as their Charity!
Bedforshire Asian Business Association has adopted Include Me TOO as their charity and raised a whopping £2000 for us!
Include Me TOO’s Christmas Party
Include Me TOO Christmas Timeout! For disabled children and young people 5-18, took place on Saturday 15th December 2012 They were fantastic as they took part in many activties which included …..
Time for REAL Action!
Time for REAL ACTION at the House of Commons with BME parents and carers of disabled children. A landmark event took place on Monday 18th June 2012 at the House of Commons, with BME parents and carers of disabled children and young people from across different regions attending Include Me TOO’s (IM2) launch of their…
Include Me TOO Ambassadors meet other disabled Role Models
On the 23rd November, Include Me TOO’s Ambassadors from the Jane Lane School headed down to London to the Office for Disability Issues to meet other disabled Role Models.
Making a REAL Difference!’ Seminar
Making a REAL Difference!’ Seminar (delivered in partnership with Wolverhampton University) Wednesday 29th June 2011 at University of Wolverhampton (WALSALL CAMPUS), School of Education The seminar : Showcased good practice of partnership working with the third sector and ‘Making a Real Difference’ to lives of disabled children and their families. Shared research regarding ‘Listening to…
Promoting a Disabled Children’s Rights Respecting Culture in Children’s Hospitals
On Friday 21st May 2010 Include Me TOO held a seminar celebrating the official signup of Birmingham Children’s Hospital to the National Include Me TOO Charter of Rights for Disabled Children and Young People. The Hospital is the first Children’s Hospital in the UK endorsing their support to the Charter and it’s vision of a…
Disabled Children and Young People’s Ambassodors visit No 10 Downing Street
On Friday 19th March 2010, Include Me TOO a national charity attended No 10 Downing with disabled children and young people to meet with the Policy Unit . The meeting was arranged to provide a opportunity for disabled children and their peers to discuss collectively their vision of the National Include Me TOO Charter of…
Safeguarding BME Disabled Children and Young People
“Include Me TOO” (IM2) over the past two years has been working very closely with the NSPCC. NSPCC recognise the work undertaken by Include Me TOO since 2002 in engaging and supporting BME disabled children and young people and their families. Through partnership working both organisations have been developing and supporting key areas in relation…