Reaching Out to Communities - Changing Lives.
Include Me TOO are working to reach out to families within Black, Asian and other Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities across the region who care for a disabled or terminally ill child. ‘Reaching Out’ supports families by providing information,awareness and access to specialist care and to local care services.
Reaching out provides:
- Outreach and peer support from within the communities connecting BAME families who care for disabled children reducing isolation, breaking down cultural and language barriers and increasing access to services
- Appropriate and responsive support through Include Me TOO family support networks, training and events
- Access to resources and agencies for practical support, information and guidance
- Support to apply for a non-mean tested grant for essential equipment to improve a child’s well being
- Access to loaning and receiving of specialist toys to promote and assist a child’s learning and development
To contact an Outreach Worker or for further information about ‘Reaching Out’, please contact our office by one of the following ways: Tel: 01902 399888 or 07940 367753