MUADS) / Oyam District Association of the Deaf (Uganda)Odwaeat is a junior Agribusiness consultant at Njovu Agro Enterprises limited, a farmer, trainer and a young Leader with passions for livelihood Development, inclusiveness, gender equality and human rights.
He is the CEO and founder of Intergrated Disabled Agripreneurs Uganda-IDAPU a youth led Agripreneurship project that specializes in advocacy, training, marketing, extension services and small enterprise development. In addition Odwaeat is also the founder and project leader of Reach A Hand Orphanage and Disability Outreach Uganda, RaHoDo-Uganda, a charitable community based disabled persons organization that was founded to advocate, increase access to health services, quality education, material support and human rights to all children and youth with disabilities,included those who have been orphaned.
Odwaeat holds a bachelor degree in Agribusiness management from Makerere University with over 5yrs experience in agriculture, disability rights and needs, mobilization, business development. As the founder of Makerere University Association of the Deaf students MUADS a body that impacted positively on the lives of fellow students with hearing impairment at the university and similarly my position in serving the interest of persons with disabilities in my community and Uganda at large.