Improving the health and social care experiences of People with Learning Disabilities from our diverse communities and their parents/carers

Include Me TOO are inviting B.A.M.E families with children (all ages) with learning disabilities to join us as part of a call to action.

Include Me TOO are working with the Race Equality Foundation as health and social care inequalities continue to impact live outcomes negatively of  African, Caribbean, Asian and Minority Ethnic (B.A.M.E) people with learning disabilities and their parents and carers.  This needs addressing and we want to hear directly from families with children (all ages including 25 years plus) with learning disabilities your experiences of health and social care services accessed by your loved ones with learning disabilities.

The parents/carers focus group workshops are taking place online via zoom on the following days: (you only need to attend one)

Wednesday 22nd September 2021               10.00am to 12.00pm or 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Thursday 23rd September 2021                   10.00am to 12.00pm or 7.00pm to 9.00pm  

Contact us to get involved in group discussion sessions and if you want to talk directly to a member of the team to share your experiences on this important issue.

The workshop interactive discussion will:

  • Provide background to the importance of this work and what we know about the health and social care inequalities of B.A.M.E people with learning disabilities and lack of improvement.
  • Provide a space for B.A.M.E families with children (all ages inc 25 years plus) with learning disabilities to share health and social care experiences
  • Share how health and social care support can be most meaningful / or value to your family member with learning disabilities and your family and more supportive of your culture.
  • How can the health and social care support be improved for B.AM.E people with learning disabilities and their families


Parents and carers can register by completing the following information.

The timescale we have been given is very short and registration need to be completed by Monday 20th September 2021. The team can also be contacted on 07940 367753

To register can you provide the following information:

    1. Parent / Carer Name:*

    2. City / Town *

    3. Contact Number:*

    4. Email Address:*

    5. Ethnicity *

    6. Do you need an interpreter?*


    6b. If yes,can you confirm which language :

    7. Name of family member with a learning disability:

    8. Age of family member with a learning disability:

    9. Details of any other disability/impairment your family member has aside from a learning disability:

    10: Can you select which of days and times you are available to attend for an online parents/carers focus group discussion
    (NOTE: you will only need to attend one focus group session and your availability will assist us to confirm when the session will be running)

    Please check you have completed the form and we will be in touch with further information.