Fathers sharing their stories and experiences of their personal journeys and unique relationship with their disabled children.
[/box] [/one_half] [one_half last] [box title=”Include Me TOO Song” centered_title=”true” inner_padding=”small” with_bg=”false”]The Include Me TOO song was produced by disabled children and young people to create more awareness about disability.
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Two mothers share their different journeys with their 8 year old sons. Include Me TOO monthly programme, in partnership with Sangat TV, increasing an awareness and understanding about disability sharing real life stories and celebrating strengths of families.
[/box] [/one_half] [one_half last] [box title=”Include Me TOO presents Timeout” centered_title=”true” inner_padding=”small” with_bg=”false”]Include Me TOO provide regular fun workshops for disabled children and young people (3 – 19 years old) which are tailored to meet all needs, providing fun opportunities to gain new experiences/skills and make new friends.
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The National Include Me TOO Charter of Rights for Disabled Children and Young People
“Freedom of choice is what I want. Doing things that others do. Equally is how I should be treated. Look at me; I’m just the same as you”
The National Include Me TOO Charter of Rights for Disabled children and young people was produced by Disabled children and young people themselves. They believe that the Charter will benefit the lives of not only disabled children and young people but also their peers, in increasing their understanding and awareness of disability issues. Include Me TOO (IM2) is unique as it is driven by the disabled children and young people and parents/carers themselves who have been marginalised and under-represented The Charter is a direct response to the issues and concerns expressed by them and their involvement and vision for real change for Every Disabled Child does MATTER!