On Thursday 11th September 2008 Include Me TOO launched the National Charter of Rights for Disabled Children and Young People, endorsed by the three main political parties, national charities and Children’s Commissioner Sir Al Aynsley-Green. The Launch took place at the Children’s Commissioners Offices in London.
Disabled children and young people through consultation, produced and developed their “Include Me TOO” Charter in 2005. Forty jigsaw pieces of the Charter were forwarded to many national organisations and government departments requesting national support and endorsements. We are pleased to have received back all forty jigsaw pieces alongside national and cross political party endorsements. We believe the Charter will benefit the lives of not only disabled children and young people but also their peers, in increasing their understanding and awareness of disability issues.
The launch involved disabled children discussing their Charter and singing the Include Me TOO song they created. Include Me TOO was also formally launched as a National Charity at this event.
11 MILLION Chief Executive Rob Williams gave his support and praised the achievements of “Include Me TOO” and accepted the National Charter of Rights on behalf of the Children’s Commissioner the Charter’s Guardian.
Include Me TOO’s Executive Director Parmi Dheensa, said:
“Far too often disabled children are simply written off – it’s assumed they don’t have dreams or goals in their lives.
They are seen as a problem and our society focuses on meeting their basic needs without any sense of creating opportunities for them to fulfil their potential. Thousands face discrimination and prejudice every year.
Include Me TOO Charter itself has been shaped by the children themselves and what they feel are the way things need to change.
On behalf of all the disabled children and young people and their families who have been part of Include Me TOO’s journey, we would like to thank all those who have supported the Charter by signing their jigsaw pieces and forwarding statements of support”.
All forty pieces of the jigsaw were placed together to complete this milestone showing national commitment and support. The Charter is now displayed at the 11 Million offices in London.
If you would like to join and sign up to the Charter please click on here and complete your details. You can also forward a supporting statement and your logos so we can add them to the Gallery of Support