Dear Colleagues,
We warmly invite you to join us and celebrate the Include Me TOO song launch here in Wolverhampton on
Tuesday 18th November 2008, 11.00am at Wolverhampton HMV Shop, The Mander Centre.
Disabled children and young people from Wolverhampton wrote and produced the “Include Me TOO” song and will be attending this event.
It was produced in April 2005 and at that time the children asked us ‘When can we buy our song in HMV?’
Our immediate response was why not indeed. This year we have finalised the song and have continued to receive an extremely positive reception for the song during public events.
The song is being released to the general public especially since the message regarding disabled children and their rights needs to be heard by everyone.
We wish to thank all the following schools and children who have taken part and hope they can join us with their families and friends at the launch.
Thank you to Green Park School, Tettenhall Wood School, Penn Hall School, Castlecroft School, Graiseley Park School: WestCroft School, Colton Hills School, Pennfields School, Deanfields High School,
Moseley Park School, St Peters Collegiate School, Kings School.
The media and press have been contacted about the song launch. This launch certainly will be a Very Important People’s (VIP) day for all those who have been involved and everyone in Wolverhampton.
The CD cover has been designed by the children, there are three versions of the song, these are Version 2008, Original version 2005 and the instrumental
The CD will be retailed at £2.99 and the video CD at £4.99 (this includes a signed version of the song)
Include Me TOO is now a national charity and we should be proud it all started here in Wolverhampton and is still based here. Plus the song and charter have been produced by disabled children, young people and their families and friends all from Wolverhampton. This is certainly a time for Wolverhampton to stand out and be proud of what our city can achieve collectively together and support the children to have their hard work recognised and their dream realised.
All proceeds will be ensuring the rights of disabled children are supported and promoted.
We hope the song will reach everyone not just those who work in the disability field or who are disabled themselves.
Please circulate this email to your families, friends and colleagues in Wolverhampton.
For further details please contact us on the details below.
Kind regards
Janet Cooper
Include Me TOO
2nd Floor Office, St Johns House
St Johns Square
West Midlands
Tel: 01902 711604