Include Me TOO have produced a report regarding BME parents and carers representation and participation on parent carer forums. 48 of 150 parent forums participated and several community outreach workshops were facilitated in various regions directly with BME parents and carers regarding representation and participation; including their current views regarding their involvement in influencing local decisions and planning of services.
The report highlights BME parents and carers participation needs a coordinated approach, specialised assistance and resources. 40 out of 48 parents forums highlighted they need assistance and support in this area. This report is part of IM2’s ‘Time for REAL Action’ research and work programme
The report further highlights greater collaboration with the BME voluntary and community sector is required and an investment towards BME parent and carer participation to ensure all parents/carers voices have a chance to be heard to influence and shape current and future services for their children.
For a copy of the report please contact us by emailing and the report will be forwarded to you.
Include Me TOO can support and strengthen BME parent carer involvement and provide advice and support to parent carer forums, children and young people services including partnership boards and committees.
Do contact us if you wish to receive a copy of the report or discuss the support and services Include Me TOO provide.