In September 2015, The Lorraine Show launched a search for ITV’s Lorraine Inspirational Woman of the Year 2015 which is a special category within the Woman of the Year awards.
After receiving hundreds of nominations for this award, the nominees were shortlisted to 3 finalists by the trio of Sandy Toksvig, Victoria Milligan and Lorraine Kelly.
Out of these hundreds, we are delighted to announce that Include Me TOO’s Executive Director and founder Parmi Dheensa is one of the three chosen finalists for this award.
Her nominator Susan Kanda states that: “I’ve nominated Parmi because Inspirational Woman of the Year is all about ordinary women achieving extraordinary things and in my mind Parmi is definitely that woman.Parmi has achieved phenomenal success by working tirelessly to ensure that children with disabilities have their voices heard. Parmi is a completely selfless, determined woman who in spite of her own challenges of being a single parent and raising a child with a disability, has still managed to carve out time in her life to help all others with disabilities.”
Speaking about becoming a successful finalist Parmi said: “It’s a great honour to be amongst such fantastic nominees, and I am really looking forward to meeting remarkable women at the Woman of the Year Lunch & Awards on Monday 19th October and celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Woman of The Year Award.”
Parmi will be interviewed on the Lorraine show between 8:30am – 9:30am on Wednesday 14th October 2015.
Voting for the three finalists will be open on Thursday 15th October 2015.