Join the Executive Committee Member of the
a Commonwealth Youth Network (CYN)
Extended Deadline: 11.59pm (GMT) on Friday 20th January 2023.
Only successful shortlisted applicants will be contacted and invited to take part in online interviews taking place on week commencing Monday 31st January 2023,
For enquiries or if you need support to access the application you can contact the team via email or message the team via WhatsApp +447960105558
The Commonwealth Children and Youth Disability Network (CCYDN) is announcing 15 high profile, voluntary positions on its Executive Committee for a two year period from January 2023 to January 2025
The Commonwealth Children and Youth Disability Network (CCYDN) is 1 of 14 Commonwealth Youth Led affiliated bodies operating under the auspicious of the Commonwealth Secretariat. CCYDN are recruiting new members to join our Executive Committee.
CCYDN is the official disability thematic Commonwealth Youth network and the first to include children advocacy and inclusion.
CCYDN provides a platform for disabled youth to connect, share learning, develop leadership and advocacy skills and knowledge to influence on disability rights, inclusion UNCRC and UNCRPD implementation at national, regional and global levels and together with you all we are powering this up!
CCYDN represents a strong united voice of disabled children and young people across the Commonwealth, increasing our collective representation and recognition in all our roles as key actors, leaders, and advocates for positive change necessary in achieving disability rights, equity and better inclusive futures for all.
CCYDN Executive Committee Positions
We are welcoming applications from disabled youth to apply for the following:
CCYDN Executive Committee Positions Overview
Cohort 1:
9 CCYDN Executive Committee positions disabled youth from the Commonwealth aged 18 to 29 years old
- Policy and Research Lead
- Advocacy and campaigning Lead
- Communications and Information Lead
- Engagement and Capacity Building Lead
- Membership and Partnerships Lead
- Fundraising and Development Lead
- Caribbean Regional Representative
- Europe & Americas Regional Representative
- Pacific Regional Representative
Cohort 2:
3 CCYDN Associate Executive Committee positions disabled youth from the Commonwealth aged 29 to 33 years old.
Cohort 3:
3 CCYDN International Associate Executive Committee positions disabled youth not from the Commonwealth aged 18 to 33 years old.
All the above roles are commencing from January 2023 for a two-year period. Below are further details regarding CCYDN, our achievements to date, work themes, the Executive Committee roles and responsibilities, eligibility criteria and how to apply for this opportunity.
Who are we?
The Commonwealth Children and Youth Disability Network (CCYDN) is a disabled youth led network. Members include those who are part of Youth Disabled Persons Organisation (YDPO), Disabled Persons Organisation (DPO), Organisation of Persons with Disabilities (OPD), Non Governmental Organisation (NGO -whom support and empower disabled children and young people).
CCYDN Executive Committee Members are disabled youth representing YDPO’s, DPO’s, OPD’s and NGO’s
We have representation from all five regions of the Commonwealth and within this recruitment we are keen to have further representation in these regions and building on combined skills, knowledge, advocacy and leadership to support CCYDN aims, work and impact.
CCYDN Work Themes:
- Inclusive Education, Lifelong Learning
- Economic Empowerment and Employment
- Gender Equality – Women and Girls with Disabilities
- Ending Stigma, and Taboos associated with disabilities
- Safeguarding from all forms abuse and harmful practices
- Humanitarian action and climate change
- Inclusive health and social care
- Inclusive Sport and Recreation
CCYDN membership is from 13 years to 35 years. We have associate disabled youth members aged 30 – 35.
CCYDN members are leading youth led development and initiatives within their respective countries.
To find out more about CCYDN work see our CCYDN Report 2019 to 2021
Cohort 1:
Eligibility Criteria – 9 CCYDN Executive Committee disabled youth positions from the Commonwealth
- Aged between 18 to 29 years at the time of application
- Citizen of a Commonwealth member country
- Be a disabled young person / youth
- Experience and knowledge of disability rights and inclusion, advocacy, campaigning,
- Good communication skills in English, and online access and computer skills
- Be able to demonstrate working well both on own initiative and with teams
- Be available to commit voluntary hours for CCYDN activities
- Have good time management and organisational skills
- Have leadership experience to build sub committees and project teams
- A strong commitment to CCYDN vision and mission to advance disability rights, inclusion, participation, representation of and with disabled children and young people in the Commonwealth as leaders and right holders within the global disability movement and youth movement.
Cohort 2:
Eligibility Criteria – 3 CCYDN Executive Committee Associate disabled youth positions from the Commonwealth
- Aged between 29 to 33 years at the time of application
- Citizen of a Commonwealth member country
- Be a disabled young person / youth
- Have experience of youth led initiatives, projects, organisations focused on disability rights and inclusion, advocacy, democracy and youth development
- Have leadership experience to build sub committees and project teams
- Good communication skills in English, and online access and computer skills
- Be able to demonstrate working well both on own initiative and with teams
- Be available to commit voluntary hours for CCYDN activities
- Have good time management and organisational skills
- A strong commitment to CCYDN vision and mission to advance disability rights, inclusion, participation, representation of and with disabled children and young people in the Commonwealth as leaders and right holders within the global disability movement and youth movement.
Cohort 3:
Eligibility Criteria – 3 CCYDN Executive Committee International Associate disabled youth positions not from the Commonwealth
- Aged between 18 to 33 years at the time of application
- Citizen of a country which is not part of the Commonwealth
- Be a disabled young person / youth
- Have experience of international youth led initiatives, projects, organisations focused on disability rights and inclusion, advocacy, democracy and youth development
- Have leadership experience to build sub committees and project teams
- Have leadership experience at international and regional level
- Good communication skills in English, and online access and computer skills
- Be able to demonstrate working well both on own initiative and with teams
- Be available to commit voluntary hours for CCYDN activities
- Have good time management and organisational skills
- A strong commitment to CCYDN vision and mission to advance disability rights, inclusion, participation, representation of and with disabled children and young people with disabilities in the Commonwealth as leaders and right holders within the global disability movement and youth movement
CCYDN Executive Committee Roles and Responsibilities
How to Apply
Application method:
Apply Online
You can upload the following with your completed application:
- Optional short video submission with application
- CV / Resume and to include contact details of two referees (with most relevant information relating to position applied for max 2 pages)
- Work samples including written samples / Showcase on previous work completed by you, related to specific position applied (max 2 pages)